Biscay crossed, time for a little work…..

Before we left, I said “if I had to motor all the way across Biscay, I would be a happy man”! Now, in hindsight, a little breeze might have been appreciated, but we are over the hump now. Out of strong tidal waters and over Biscay.

Our planned port of arrival was Porto, Portugal. Unfortunately due to some technical difficulties (to follow), we are pulling in to Northern Spain and another flag has been hoisted.

Update soon, Ryan

16360cookie-checkBiscay crossed, time for a little work…..

3 responses so far.

  1. Danny & Mel says:

    awesome buddy hopefully the repairs arnt to big and you get a few beers in 😉 #enjoy

  2. Mum says:

    Phew, relieved to see you’ve crossed the Bay of Biscay! David and I have been monitoring you closely (remember peregrine falcons!).

  3. Nette says:

    Glad you have negotiated Biscay. Good luck with the tech. bits. x