Like passing ships in the night


Never was that phrase used in better context than my night watches across Biscay. Three different encounters with three different vessels all momentarily sharing the same patch of water, in a very large expanse of ocean, over which I was driving the boat (going slightly quicker than a slow jog) motoring, no wind.

When you encounter other vessels on the sea, that is a certain affinity with them. My three encounters were very different, the first was another sailing vessel within half a mile of me sailing in the opposite direction, it was a comfort seeing another kindred soul. 


The second was almost a necessity as by 0300 hours, the stars had been hidden behind the clouds, the moon had set, and the horizon was merging into the sea in a big black mess, the ship was a leading light to me whilst I tried to steer a straight course. The last encounter was just downright scary: a large ship going 15.5knots heading directly up my derrière on a collision course. When it was within half a mile of me I decided the best course of action was to radio said ship, I was met with a gruff reply of “we are going astern of you”…. sorry I asked!

Now safely tucked up in port – we are here fixing a steering problem until Monday. We have had a great day – I’ll rephrase that – the girls and I have had a great day. Ryan has spent most of the day fixing the boat and has now arrived home to reveal that he has had a minor accident on his skateboard and has learnt that he needs to wear trainers instead of flipflops whilst skateboarding. Luckily I am very proficient with dressings (thanks kim!) and I am only 2 beers down so should do a great job at fixing him!

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4 responses so far.

  1. Kim Kirby says:

    Love it!

  2. paul kingston says:

    fantastic family

  3. Val Copley says:

    Love reading about your trip enjoy

  4. Auntie Lynne says:

    Liz honey you are an angel in disguise! Who else would have the sympathy to dress a self-inflicted wound – Ryan you should know better! Mmm u obviously take after yr Gt Aunt!